Expose valuable resources with my knowledgeable experience in the internet business adventure to provide you a proper and successful path to achieve your desired profitable internet business.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

P9> Basic Computer Skills You Need to Have

I have talked about some things you need to have in order to start the Internet business, so now I have to talk about some things you need to know.

Like I said, as early as in L3, you do not need to be a computer expert adn an Internet marketer, but you do need some basic skills…

Major Points:

What you need to know…

1) the use of computers; it started off, and so on.
2) mouse skills: left-click, right-click, double-click
3) using the Windows operating system you have
4) navigating your computer
5) work with Windows: open, close, minimize, maximize, size, mobile
6) and more with a number of procedures / open the window
7) create a folder
8] to change your folder "View"
9) to name and rename the file
10) "drag and drop"
11) copy and move files / folders
12) compression and decompression document
13) the installation of a software program
14) and opening up process
15) copy and paste text
16) the editing and save the file / document
17) Save and Save As
18) The use of Web browser to surf the Internet
19) "search on Google" and other online research
20) to send and receive e-mail
21) open a PDF file with Adobe Reader
22) The use of the productivity software, such as Word and Excel, or OpenOffice

Action steps:

1) go through the list of skills, and if you do not know how to do, learn it.

If you do a self-taught learning, then you can understand it all here on the Internet free of charge, as long as you know how to click a link and view some sites, I provide as follows:

http://www.ctdlc.org/remediation/ (including tests)

Okay, so now I have covered most of the basic knowledge…… But when it comes to internet business, there is a whole vocabulary you need to know. I will cover the provisions of these internet business in the next post.

Cheers to all for the great success ahead!

P8> Things needed to start an internet business

I have talked about, whether you are the right kind of internet business, and whether it has the right kind of business for you. Therefore, today I have to talk about what kind of resources you need if you want to start an Internet business.

It is so simple, one Internet connection and desire to succeed?

Major Points:

You need…

1) Computer

-- No need to be the latest and greatest
-- Can 't be a total of dinosaur
-- Recommended in Windows XP or later
-- Consider a laptop computer
-- Spent $200 - $1 000 to reach the desktop, $4 00 - $ 1 5 00 for a laptop computer

A few places to purchase computers:
Amazon (a good place to compare prices and find specials)
Buy.com (I have bought a lot of things, including a backup hard drive)
HP shopping (for example, I bought my computer and my laptop)

2) Internet connection (broadband recommended). If you live in a region not to provide the
main service provider, you may want to look at satellite broadband.

3) Anti-virus program. I use the average; their site is www.grisoft.com.

4) E-mail (free options). For example: http://mail.google.com/mail/signup

5) Zip program (free options). This is a very good free: www.7 - zip.org

6) Productivity software (available free option). This is a very good free option:

7) Start-up funds (highly recommended). I suggest that at least $200.

8) Credit card (highly recommended). If you're afraid you will abuse it, you may need to
consider a prepaid VISA credit card.

9) PayPal account (strongly recommended). You can now get a free account at PayPal.
If you live in a country, PayPal does not allow, please read the inspiration for this article.

10) Phone (optional). If you have broadband, you may want to consider for your
Skype's phone service.

There are several other things you will need which will be specifically included in the upcoming lessons, so don't worry about them for now.

Action steps:

1) Read through the list, and make sure you have all is essential. It ss strongly recommended that do the best you can to get them. For the optional ones, do some research and decide whether it is your needs.

As I said earlier posts, as early as the third, you do not need to be a computer expert, but there are some things you need to know. I would go through these basic computer skills, in the next post.

Cheers to all for the great success ahead!