Expose valuable resources with my knowledgeable experience in the internet business adventure to provide you a proper and successful path to achieve your desired profitable internet business.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

P9> Basic Computer Skills You Need to Have

I have talked about some things you need to have in order to start the Internet business, so now I have to talk about some things you need to know.

Like I said, as early as in L3, you do not need to be a computer expert adn an Internet marketer, but you do need some basic skills…

Major Points:

What you need to know…

1) the use of computers; it started off, and so on.
2) mouse skills: left-click, right-click, double-click
3) using the Windows operating system you have
4) navigating your computer
5) work with Windows: open, close, minimize, maximize, size, mobile
6) and more with a number of procedures / open the window
7) create a folder
8] to change your folder "View"
9) to name and rename the file
10) "drag and drop"
11) copy and move files / folders
12) compression and decompression document
13) the installation of a software program
14) and opening up process
15) copy and paste text
16) the editing and save the file / document
17) Save and Save As
18) The use of Web browser to surf the Internet
19) "search on Google" and other online research
20) to send and receive e-mail
21) open a PDF file with Adobe Reader
22) The use of the productivity software, such as Word and Excel, or OpenOffice

Action steps:

1) go through the list of skills, and if you do not know how to do, learn it.

If you do a self-taught learning, then you can understand it all here on the Internet free of charge, as long as you know how to click a link and view some sites, I provide as follows:

http://www.ctdlc.org/remediation/ (including tests)

Okay, so now I have covered most of the basic knowledge…… But when it comes to internet business, there is a whole vocabulary you need to know. I will cover the provisions of these internet business in the next post.

Cheers to all for the great success ahead!

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